Hey there! My name is Jamison and I’m a multi-disciplinary artist in Nashville.  Working in arenas of music, theatre, movement and communal art-making, I am continually finding the meeting ground between these forms of expression.  

I am also an experienced teacher and facilitator, and hope to continue nurturing my leadership skills in using creativity as a means of healing and community-building.   I ultimately consider myself an “explorer-of-the-arts.” I am a true believer that curiosity and play are essential components to the creative practice as well as self and community discovery. 

I have dreams of one day starting a unique theatre company that delves deeper into these practices. It would become a group for not only original productions, but also for encouraging multi-level collaboration and deeper explorations of the creative process.

I am currently initiating the Wild Way Workshop, an exploration of mask-work and animal embodiment.

I am also helping to bring Playback Theatre to Nashville, click here for more info!

I’m all about:

imaginatively connecting music, theatre & dance

engaging humor to challenge your expectations

composing immersive and soulful performances 

leading creative expeditions into unfamiliar territory 

discovering new way to experiences performance